Prof Sarie Human (2015)

Category: Scholar

Area: Community Health Nursing

Location: UNISA

E-mail: [email protected]

Prof Sarie Human fully endorses the vision and mission of the ANSA. She shows leadership in both Nursing Education and in the promotion of professional practice for nurses and midwives. She has been actively involved in the facilitation of quality Nursing Education at both the University of Pretoria and the University of South Africa since 1975. She is a strategic-level member of the Tuition Committees at the University of South Africa at Departmental, School, and College and Senate level. She has been consulted by NEIs on curriculation issues to comply with legislative changes. As a member of the South African Nursing Council, she has been a member of the Education Committee as well as the Laws, Practice and Standards Committee since 2009. During this time, she was actively involved in the development of innovative supporting documents to NEIs and education-related documents to enhance effectiveness and quality. Prof Human has completed research at national and international levels and has published extensively in national and international peer-reviewed journals and books. She has successfully supervised more than 30 postgraduate students.

Prof Sarie Human is therefore recognised for her work on : Community Health Nursing.