Prof Magda Mulder (2011)

Category: Clinician

Area: Wound Care

Location: University of the Free State (UFS)

E-mail: [email protected]

Prof Magda Mulder has developed and established wound care as a speciality area at the School of Nursing at the University of the Free State. Since 2003, 93 wound care experts have been trained. Prof Mulder has also assisted in the establishment of a wound care clinic at the Universitas Hospital in Bloemfontein. In addition, Prof Mulder acts as a wound care consultant for patients, professional nurses, medical practitioners and medical companies and legal practitioners. Prof Mulder has written a wound care textbook in cooperation with a team of co-workers entitled Basic Principles of Wound Care and has developed a curriculum for the Postgraduate Diploma in wound care in conjunction with the new HEQF. In addition, Prof Mulder has offered more than 20 workshops and delivered more than 30 presentations in her field and has developed a classification system for wound care products in South Africa which are used by various medical companies and specialists in wound care.