Prof Isabel Coetzee – Member

Category: Scholar

Area: Critical Care Nursing

Location: University of Pretoria

E-mail: [email protected]

Prof Isabel Coetzee is known for her contributions to the development of Critical Care Nursing. She is an executive board member of the National Critical Care Society of Southern Africa. Prof Coetzee has trained approximately 500 critical care nurses in South Africa. She also supervises Masters and Doctoral candidates in her field of speciality, and has successfully graduated many Masters’ and PhD students. She has published more than 20 articles since 2011, in both national and international peer-reviewed journals. Prof Coetzee is involved on a national level with an international collaborative practice development research project focussing on the improvement of standards and quality of critical care in South Africa. Prof Coetzee is also an external moderator and examiner for various universities in South Africa. She is an expert consultant involved in the development of Critical Care Masters programmes in Africa. Prof Coetzee received the President of the South African Critical Care Societies Award in both 2013 and 2014 for her contributions to the development of Critical Care over the past 19 years. As a result of her numerous achievements, she is recognised both nationally and internationally as an expert in critical care.