Mrs Joy Cleghorn (2015)

Category: Clinician

Area: Infection Control

Location: Life Healthcare

E-mail: [email protected]

At a time when the field of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) was barely recognised in South Africa Mrs Joy Cleghorn presented a compelling business case to Life Healthcare (formally Afrox), and a national position was created. She began this passionate journey in 1993, and continues to this day with increasing commitment. Over the past 23 years, Mrs Cleghorn has informed students that IPC is the career of the future, and, with the emergence of new and existing highly-resistant pathogens, this has, beyond a doubt, proven to be true. She has been actively involved with the Infection Control Association of Southern Africa for the last 25 years and has held various executive positions culminating in her current position as President of the Association. The Association has been instrumental in proposing motivation and core competencies to the South African Nursing Council in recognising a Post-Graduate Diploma in this crucial field.
Mrs Joy Cleghorn is therefore recognised for her work on: Infection Control.