Dr Carin Maree (2014)

Category: Clinician

Area: Neonatal Nursing

Location: University of Pretoria (UP)

E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Maree is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Nursing Science at the University of Pretoria where she is responsible for the management of the post-basic and postgraduate clinical nursing programmes and the research accompaniment of master’s and doctoral students. Dr Carin Maree’s career has included working in various areas of neonatal and child nursing, nursing management and nursing education and research. She has been involved with nursing education since 1999 within the Department of Nursing Science at the University of Pretoria where she was responsible for the development of the post-basic and postgraduate programmes in neonatal nursing science. Dr Maree is a founding fellow of ANSA and serves on the committees of NNASA, SANITSA and FUNDISA, and is a member of various professional bodies. She has presented at national and international conferences and has been published in national and international journals. Dr Maree’s main interests are neonatal intensive care nursing science, reflective learning and teaching, wholebrain (holistic) learning, nursing education and qualitative research and nursing management.