Prof Antionette du Preez (2017)

Category: Nursing Practice

Current position and company: Undergraduate Programme Leader

Location: North-West University

Qualifications: PhD Nursing, MCur (Midwifery and neonatology), Adv Dipl Midwifery, BA Education & Admin, Hons Soc Sc (Nursing)

Areas of expertise: Advance Midwifery, Education, Curriculum development

E-mail: [email protected]

Unique contribution/vision: Antoinette is a Midwifery lecturer for the past 20+ years, as well as the undergraduate programme leader for the B Cur/B Nursing programme for the past 12 years.  This led to numerous national and international collaboration in the field of Midwifery and curriculum development.  Antoinette is also an experience researcher with various master and PhD students as well as examinator and reviewer for national and international students.  She also act as reviewer for  national and international journals and have published a great number of articles in the field of quality care, midwifery, teenage pregnancy and leadership focus